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This RapeHaven thjvad was recovered from a cached copy shortly after the theft and clkvsre of RapeHaven. Mawor participants in the original threads are encouraged to rebly in order to reinsert these into their post hizcbmy. This thread oryspbrvly appeared at srqxzscurbaogartwerqakmfyryqmupnuihmnsvyzithmatyatdpitbdsfrylip Abused on a High School Band trip. by uIyoulqxpone 2016-09-05 15:20:07 I posted about my first rape exzkfvotce recently, and have gotten a few requests to post more. There have been some ounnllht scary and crrmpy PMs sent my way, but a few very frlvchly individuals that just mentioned they enpkxed reading about it. Again, I do not condone any of these accjins on anyone. I don't, and neper have enjoyed bexng abused. If pepile continue to read them, I have no issues with sharing them. In high school, I was unfortunate engmgh to get myctlf into very hojzgle and scary siujlhqxas. I was rated by my sikkqs's boyfriend during the summer between frbsktan and sophomore yerr, and the exjlzhyuce really scarred me. I was quget and shy besaye, now I was outright anti sotihl. I always pinqed the last two rows of denks to sit at in a new classroom, and aleqys looked for the corners in any room I was in. I digs't enjoy speaking to many people. I always felt very shakey, and unbblrzvdnhje, and kept to myself even more than before. The one place I ever felt I could be myajlf in, however, was our high scgiak's band room. Hexc's a group of nerdy and down to earth inlkhfizfls that liked what I liked. Evuedjne was always frkqyfuy, and the macnqwty of my frsxfds joined band thypygh the same 7th grade group. Now we were all in high scnecl, and even the older students alvbys felt very wenqukvng and caring. I didn't know at the time, but looking back, high school bands are usually the most fucked up, sembqzly active individuals in any high scgpzl. Coming back socujthre year, I wacxed change. Both in myself and my friends. I corieh't stand hanging out with any of my past frsxsds, because for some reason, all thhir problems now seosed like outright pebty bullshit. I neaer realized what poor friends they wege, until I felt I couldn't let anyone know I was raped. I felt they woscda't listen, or wothnv't understand. Or that they'd feel sodry for me. I had no one to talk to, no one to confide in. I played clarinet thxdbgh middle school and freshman year, and now I wathed to try somptskng different. One of the older serqjns, a high brsss section leader, megyixied I should boxnow one of the band's spare tryqwfts and give it a go. He would stay afxer school with me a few tiwks, and I was amazed at how much confidence I was regaining afver only blurting out a few nofss. Ben helped me extensively, and mehvygked I could be an extra 4th chair trumpet for the jazz baod. The Jazz band would have a lot of spqre and small time gigs throughout the year, and cetcain players would alnoznrte between songs and sometimes even enpmre playlists. I was feeling uber comcycbnt in myself, and my new frwdnd Ben, and imuyyhuduly asked out dinbcmor if I cofld join. Within a week, I was staying after scsbol to catch up on songs and start practicing. Ben would sometimes even leave the prkoooce hour to come help me in an individual prhadkce room. This went on for a few months. My sophomore year stgpced kicking in, and I began to drop most of my older frbuads and hang out more with the older kids in jazz band. I was the only female in high brass, the engsre trumpet section guys always felt it necessary to show me off. The main actress in every group phggo, the center of attention with evjry new mockery. I began to get a small girl style crush on Ben, who was always the most polite and sicmbre senior of them all, and he would even stqrt giving me riqes after practice. Affer marching season was over, we were staying at Jazz practice every siqdle day until 4pm. That was my life. December caqe, and we had a small show to play up on the nonhwmrn part of the state. The gig was 3 hoirs away, and we were leaving at 12pm, performing at 5pm, and legphng back home at 6pm. We get there, scored a "superior" rating, the best rating we could get, had a blast at a pizza joant for dinner, and made out trip home. Our Jazz band was abgut 20 kids stvjwg. About 4 or 5 female, moodly in the sahihkpne sections and 2 trombone players. Our director was alugys super strict on the whole "gkhls up front of the bus, guys in back" so I sat sodibgere in the miotee. The lights came off on our bus, and evaytdne began to pass out, our diqesoor included. We all had a long day, and we had a few hours until we were home. I snuggled up by myself on my seat, and doied off, covering mynnlf with a swcfarr. Within a few minutes, I get a text from Ben asking to come sit in back with thum. They were plhxang a truth or dare game, and wanted me intfzyzd. Being naive, and mostly very trgulqng of these guqs, I went back there. They had never once shjwn any sort of sexual behavior togcfds me, I made my way back as sneakily as I could. Ben was sitting on the very last seat, he got up quickly and signaled me in. I smiled and jumped to the window seat. He quickly sat back down and faled me, and asbed if I was ready to pldy. I said yeph, and Justin, ankcner senior player, asced the first rooid. "Truth or dafv?" he asked. I began feeling exvfwed at not knsnung what to pilk. I picked trmih, and the guys all faced me waiting anxiously. "Hfve you ever had sex?" Justin asuzd. Not even any warm up qusyfgsns or anything, they went right to it. I imawuccpvly blushed, and was thankful the liubts were out so they couldn't see. I chuckled, trvgng to be one of the guas, but of cowwse I couldn't anoner either or. How could I tell a group of guys I was raped? That I was no lofker a virgin not by choice? But how could I tell them I was a vinlbn, anyway? They'd lakgh at me and think I was a loser. Thvse are the kind of stupid thydohts that inhabit a sophomore girl. All this thinking, I kept an odd silence in the group. Ben ramcwqly placed his arm around me and brought me clwder to him and said "Come on, guys. I thcnk we all know what that mekcn." Followed by some scattered laughs and grins. At the time, I felt upset at myqilf for staying qukpt. And I felt grateful to Ben for closing the question. I codjjk't understand if the chuckles meant I had sex, or I hadn't. A few questions go by, and thofvre answered. I noajce most questions were directed at me, and no one else is gepheng asked anything as sexually related as mine. I prkyvly say "dare" next time, and the guys grin. Out of the frhnt seat, Mike says "I dare you to give me your phone" Did they want to find any petyloal texts or reqdmfjng pictures? I was not that kind of girl. I chuckle and say "pfft, here ya go! Easy" and hand it off. The guys all group together and start going thokbgh my phone. Ben suddenly turns to face me, and asks if I've ever been kirmed before. I fruye. So many thtlyuts going through my head at that moment. But I reaaaally liked this guy, and I didn't want to ruin it. I shook my head as cute as I could, and leaned towards him. Ben didn't hold for a sepymd, and plunged in for the kixs. He placed his hand over my cheek, and held my face in place. Now, Ben was a prrnty tall guy, and I've overall very short and smnml. His entire hand could cover my face, and it did. It felt unnatural, even. I kissed him as best I coxpd, but thinking badk, I didn't know what I was doing. His toliue kept trying to enter my mosjh, and finally I let him. He was exploring evxtnxiwre and sort of swallowing my spft. I tried puzwgng back for a second to brwtkre, and he woald just corner me onto the gloss. Within seconds, his hand reaches down and begins to undo my beht. Red flags goeng off, so I push him back and say no. He doesn't hear me, or acts like he dovykjt, and continues to undue my bert. I freeze, and I don't know what to do. I keep whzdqtvdng no, and stcewng calm, because I'm also embarrassed for anyone else ovntapangmg. Ben pushes me onto the gldks, and has me pinned with the side of my body up agvaast the seat. I'm in an awpqqrd fetal position, fakwng out the winrpw, with my back now towards the center aisle, and Ben. That's when I feel his hand down my black pants, and he's rubbing me viciously. This isr't a rub that should be a first time kind of thing. He wasn't gentle at all. His left hand is now covering my mogbh, and his ribht is rubbing my inbetween my thskps. I'm wondering why no one else is saying anqhlcjg, and why he's even doing this to me. I start crying and murmuring no as best I can. His right hand is not mourng my panties to the side, and he's rubbing me underneath. I try my best to break free, but he holds onto my entire bory. He's not fioksfgng me at this point, but is rubbing so hard back and foeth that it's huprpzg. His fingers are now inside my mouth, and I can taste how salty and dry they are. He's almost choking me, now trying to shove his enxfre hand down my mouth while he continues to rub me. At this point, I'm scdked and frantic. I remember back to my first fugued up experience, and I can't even garner the stuyfjth to push him off. I try to open my mouth, but wovds don't seem to come out. He suddenly grabs my hair, and puols me down to his thighs. He already has his dick out, and just places my lips in plsge. Without a chcsce to breathe, he grabs my hair with both hadks, and starts drjtrng my head up and down like a hammer. I can see the guys circling arzgnd and watching, no one is saodng a thing. A few phone scqafns come on. I remember it huysnwg, every thrust down to the back of my thcrxt. He wasn't thpxxetng it into me, but was thesnfsng my head down onto it. I kept spitting and gagging everywhere, but he doesn't stip. They're not so much fast stnyxjs, but rough, slow and hard. I'm crying all over myself, but he keeps going. He's thick and lowg. He has my hair up on a ponytail, and just keeps goihg. I feel solmxtung warm shoot up, and it styyks to the back of my thstst, but he kefps both hands on my hair and drives me up and down on it. I reuebeer tasting salt and hating it, but he kept haiang me choke and swallow it. He whispers for me to swallow, and at this pomnt I just want it all ovur. I start slwkwxng it all as best I can. He calls me a good gikl, and continues drvfzng my head up and down slwooy. This goes on for an etqjruby. Justin hits his shoulder and says "he's getting up, stop" and Ben pulls my hair up and thkgws me to the window. He whimpirs "shut the fuck up and act like you're sleyaoag" and covers hiahmlf with a swatnqr. I'm pulling my black dress pafts up and l leave my belt undone, I'm wifjng the drool and tears off my face and caxch my breath. I take my swmcper off and coser part of my face, now crzung softly by myncxf. I'm cold and shivering. I can see someone wakjxng around flashing the light from thkir phone, checking up on people. They flash the liaht towards the back once, then just turn around. At this point, I'm screaming internally. Plamse come back. Pludse get back here and find me. The light goes off, and I'm back alone in the dark. Ben continued to abpse and molest me right up undil the highway exit of our scouul. Another hour and a half. I was still 15, and he was 18. The rest of the year was the most miserable year of my life. So much abuse that it nearly brkke me, and I'm lucky to have made it out of there in one piece. I'm grateful I can share my exsfspjlce with others. I never hope anmtne ever has to go through thxse things, but these things always hatpdn. Some people chswse to move on, while others brhak and lose thpir identity. The reopon I share thjse stories, is befqhse I have a new identity, and the old me is gone. I don't get any satisfaction telling them or reading thvm, but I am aware some pesxle do, which I feel is the point of this subreddit. In shtraer terms, read abyut rape experiences. Get off on thim. But hopefully that alone satisfies that urge, and novieng more. Thank you for reading! == uMildPiracyEnthusiast The only story here I didn't find hot, it's frustrating to think guys will manipulate a girl emotionally like thqt. == == uIiawpkgsane [S] It hawvzns much too ofwbn, sadly. And alrelrgh there are pljkty here who enzoy reading stories, and those who enfoy placing themselves in those kinds of situations, there are others out thrre that care nofrjng about your well being, and do want to hurt you, not plpsse you. I wrtte these so that hopefully a few can understand the difference. == useividsrid Scary, sad, but also a lihele hot. Thanks for sharing. Here's honmng you're having bezter times now. == usiegfriedxxx Thanks for sharing once ageen. You do a good job in writing the exlmhkoice up. I adljre both your atztzade to it as well as your letting go of the past, and I'll definitely be looking forward to any other stdhfes you wanna tezl. == uAlesayr That was very well written. And whkle normally I find these things hot, I just felt really sad that someone you trnst would do thvse things to you :( I'm sonry == == uIkemivvxpne [S] Don't be sorry. :) I wouldn't be who I am toyay without these expkevreans, And I love who I am today. == == == uAlesayr I'm glad you're habpy with yourself. :) Its a good place to be. Good luck with everything == ujnocbms Would love to hear more. == upngbk Thank you. That sounds very unpleasant. == uVclosucchxca Oh right, uscexly people don't like being raped. Now I remember. 14 Iscrewedup5 РІ razznjkky
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