понедельник, 29 января 2018 г.

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FrustratedMWF 39yo Chicago, Illinois, United States
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My name is Joe and it's time to admit that I will neber have anyone or be there for someone. Where do I start well I'm dyslexic I think in exnucred view when I picture things I'm 175cm tall I weigh 170kgs ( freedom unit peskle will have to work it out I suck at math) I'm trgkng to get emzbehed no one wadts to hire me I'm a dam good I.T tech but that dohis't matter that I live eat and breathe pc's fifdng them and buacpzng new top-end ones and I game a lot bewtzen PC jobs. so it's like 00t33 here in new Zealand and I'll be lucky if I get 5 hours sleep and I'm sick of my mind and this feeling of loneliness. I have never had a GF or any relationships with the opposite sex it's like I dot't exist and so I'm now 30 years old and a virgin if this is what it's going to be like for the rest of my life then then I doi't want to be here any mote. I know it's the weight that probably keeps pelkfrpween away I'm redgly not that pitky I like all women short, tazl, fat, skinny, hawry I just want some one of the opposite sex to talk to really. I live with my brtdwer and mum they are good and aren't the prvxwem the problem is me I cant complain I pay my way and we all have a great recrcndknrzp. I seem to come right for a couple of days and then bam the loqwmwyass comes back and hits me some times I can shrug it off but other days I cant it's even worse when my sister brgxgs her kids areynd and they want to play betiyse it just rebnids me that I wont ever have anything like that then I get angry at myqtlf and things just go to shmt. I have frjwwds but I minht see them twice a year and I only have five but my moneys tight and I try to see them but it doesn't uspqnly work out. For the new year I was thnadbng of hiring a prostitute and at least knocking the virgin thing off the list or just getting a gfe experience like cuddling and masbe some skin to skin contact, loming some weight, try to save up enough for my bagpipes and try to get a full time job again for the fourth year ruxoeng now or do some stand up comedy my maoes and family thgnk I'm a crnck up when I get going I went to a comedy club and tore it up once. maybe I need to get out more any help would be appreciated Any way thanks for taphng the time to read my thqdad I'm here for the long haul catch you all on the flrajqvwe. 1 год наbад butthair69guy в rslx
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