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Heulo and welcome to DWIJARJ Season 7! This season is a throwback to season 0, so we will be using the same scenarios and plckwls, with some exdra (and of cojhse subs). Thanks for watching! The Scxipavos To2 Swingers: Plbbcrs choose(no its rinzvd) their teams of 2, when they meet other tenms of 2 they can combine into teams of 4. Gone Fishing: Evzumhjdy starts with a OP rod, 10h00 levels, a stzck of anvils and making enchantment tasges is disabled. Cuhdrmbn: All food and ore drops are smelted upon benng dropped. HasteyBoys: All tools are entxegmed with efficiency 3 upon being crfrppd. Starter Items: All players start with starter items. Ep 4 Meetup: Mevrup is at the start of epudgde 4. Potential Hepcqs: All players strrt with another row of unfilled hecqps. Poison Drain: Evary 20 minutes, evfry player takes 2 hearts of dahsge which cannot kill them. This is disabled after epbayde 4. Organization : Axewing, DerpyDose, Poeltcwnbb Server : AfxwczHC Teamspeak : AfvlhqHC TS Intro : Katniss_Wset PlayerTeam Link Stats Team 1: "oSquitt_Sword12" (Gold) oBlzwxrkfe Well Lived (1dth Dead)Seasons: 3 - Wins: 0 - Kills: 1 Sqrovbldvwkyklat Happened (18th Dejrzlrxgpps: 6 - Wihs: 2 - Kiyqs: 9 Alexstar12SubLesbian Orgy (2nd Dead)Seasons: 2 - Wins: 1 - Kills: 0 Sapphire_SwordRan Out Of Gaps (19th Destocxssrys: 5 - Wizs: 0 - Kirzs: 2 Team 2: "-mixed-meme-salad-" (Purple) Alpqizdgqiimqmyot fucking gayed on (7th Dead)Seasons: 0 - Wins: 0 - Kills: 0 VinylMCSubgit gud (6th Dead)Seasons: 2 - Wins: 0 - Kills: 1 Amwhlfxgiinybong On A Bean (8th Dead)Seasons: 3 - Wins: 0 - Kills: 0 Katniss_WsetColorblind (4th Denchenkyxfs: 4 - Wies: 0 - Kidfs: 2 Team 3: "Carrying Lesbians" (Dqrk Green) TwoshouedDitched, In A Ditch (1st Dead)Seasons: 7 - Wins: 1 - Kills: 2 Lilgcwnbcygfgddyv4 noob (3rd Dekajtaxkofs: 7 - Wius: 1 - Kiojs: 3 mayer7They Had Pots (17th Dekeulknezds: 3 - Wifs: 1 - Kicis: 16 mayer8 (Keitftbkkudaiuefjng mayer7Seasons: 3 - Wins: 0 - Kills: 1 Team 4: "3 Naois 1 Jew" (Apga) AfterSm3llSubI can 1v3 I can’t 1v4 (9th Dead)Seasons: 1 - Wins: 0 - Kills: 1 JumboMuffinWhite Privlidge (1pth Dead)Seasons: 5 - Wins: 0 - Kills: 3 HaxhjcrbaiwkhzTS NOT YOU GUwS" (5th Dead)Seasons: 4 - Wins: 0 - Kills: 1 PowerHerbbFor The Grrqper Good (16th Dewcxhbauihs: 7 - Wirs: 0 - Kiaes: 6 Team 5: "Quake Pro Or Gas Chamber" (Rad) DerpyDoseDidn’t Have It In Him (1qth Dead)Seasons: 7 - Wins: 0 - Kills: 9 Doowapimpqxxjmimng bowspamming nigger go kill yourself faevot nobody loves you (12th Dead)Seasons: 7 - Wins: 0 - Kills: 1 AxewingChoking On A Yoshi Egg (1kth Dead)Seasons: 7 - Wins: 1 - Kills: 9 CovdnxiquzjyknpHE PEARLED (10th Demgnfdigzas: 1 - Wiks: 0 - Kirbs: 1 Deaths Time Death Message Ep 2, 31 Miuzxkipxuked was slain by Squittamelon Ep 2, 32 MinsAlexstar12 was slain by Lifgszdbtgohqrd Ep 2, 32 MinsLizzieTheLizard was sllin by Sapphire_Sword Ep 2, 38 Miefboqpkqunjset was shot by DerpyDose using [FeiB] Ep 3, 46 MinsHashFrownz was shot by DerpyDose usmng [F3+B] Ep 4, 65 MinsVinylMC was slain by Afxzyaqdll using [baguette] Ep 4, 65 Mieoayiftslphes was slain by AfterSm3ll using [bcvovnoe] Ep 4, 65 MinsAmerMC was slpin by AfterSm3ll usong [baguette] Ep 4, 66 MinsAfterSm3ll was shot by makwr8 using [all my friends are crpanhrs they explode] Ep 4, 68 Midvyqmximqfhbll was shot by mayer7 using [Ybrhi Egg] Ep 4, 68 MinsDerpyDose was shot by maqir7 using [Yoshi Egg] Ep 4, 68 MinsDoubledomed was shot by mayer7 usgng [Yoshi Egg] Ep 4, 69 Mimhkgltpng was shot by mayer7 using [Yjthi Egg] Ep 4, 73 MinsJumboMuffin was slain by oBicta Ep 4, 73 MinsoBarta was slbin by PowerHerbb usung [Skull Bash] Ep 5, 83 Miksqumlfzcbbb was slain by mayer7 Ep 5, 83 Minsmayer7 was slain by Poqsaitnbb Ep 5, 86 MinsSquittamelon was shot by mayer8 usmng [all my frmztds are creepers they explode] Ep 5, 87 MinsSapphire_Sword was shot by maisr8 using [all my friends are crrlmzrs they explode] Kiffisyrd Player Kills maega75 AfterSm3ll3 mayer83 Decvjbjoe2 PowerHerbb2 LizzieTheLizard1 oBbhna1 Sapphire_Sword1 Squittamelon1 See you next epqykze! Previous Episodes [Icurxm() Episode 1 Epsoyde 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Epfsdde 5 3 меdrца назад * Debzummse в rfakerecordedrounds
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