gbella143 24yo Brooklyn, New York, United States
lekili3 33yo El Cerrito, California, United States
thatroni 30yo Dekalb, Illinois, United States
How Guilty Should I Feel?
I often feel guilt when I assign a story. This is partly a function of being a woman who would, if she had her way, please and comfort her entire universe of acquaintances, and partly a function of having been convinced at a relatively young age by the argument that Janet Malcolm famously made in The Journalist and the Murderer: “Every journalist who is not too stupid or full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible.”
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AnnaRexia 28yo Looking for Men Los Angeles, California, United States
3sums1982 27yo Davenport, Florida, United States
nun4yrs 42yo Hibbing, Minnesota, United States
GBSlutT74 35yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
hogtiedgirl18 22yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States
fuckitallnight2 30yo Tampa, Florida, United States
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